Community Pharmacy Scotland Adjusted Prices NovemberCategoryAdjusted pricesPrice ConcessionsAdded01/11/2024
Community Pharmacy Scotland Adjusted Prices OctoberCategoryPrice ConcessionsAdjusted pricesAdded01/11/2024
Updated: Class 2 Medicines Recall: Tillomed Laboratories Limited, Labetalol 200mg Tablets, EL(24)A/52CategoryDrug AlertsGeneralAdded31/10/2024
Numark Discount Partners (Enhanced Discount)Access to a variety of suppliers, vetted by Numark, offering you...
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Dashboard Activated - Unlock New Insights!We’re excited to announce the launch of your new Membership Dashboard, designed to help you work smarter, not harder. Most features are up and running, but as with all great things, a few final touches are still in progress.Access via Your Account
Curious about how TympaHealth can transform your pharmacy?Here’s your chance to learn directly from other pharmacies who are already benefiting from TympaHealth’s ear and hearing healthcare service!Learn more