Q: I have received a prescription for Scholl washproof corn plasters x 1. What should I supply?

A: This is an unusual product because it contains non-medicated pads that are classed as an appliance alongside medicated plasters containing 40% salicylic acid.

The combination product is licensed as a general sales line (GSL). As a GSL the product is allowed on a community prescription provided it is not black listed.

At the time of writing this Tariff Tip Scholl Corn Removal 40% plasters washproof are not blacklisted.

Product listed on Dictionary of Medicines & Devices (DM+d) Pack Sizes Legal Cat
Salicylic acid 40% medicated plasters Scholl Corn Removal 40% plasters washproof (SSL International Plc) GSL
8 plaster (4 plasters + 4 pads) Special container  

Each pack of Scholl Corn Removal 40% plasters washproof contains 8 plasters (4 plasters + 4 pads), it is classed as a special container and consequently a complete pack should be supplied.

This prescription would attract one prescription charge and one professional fee. If the patient pays for their prescription it would be cheaper to purchase the item rather than pay the prescription charge.

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