Q: I have a prescription for Sorbsan Ribbon 40cm dressing. Is there an equivalent dressing? This product is currently unobtainable.

A: The supplier (Aspen Medical) has indicated that the manufacturing of Sorbsan is being relocated to the USA. Production will resume in May/June. In the meantime, there may be a few alternatives available.

Please ensure that the prescription is altered appropriately. The following alternatives may be used:

Wound Management Dressing Cavity 

  • ActivHeal Alginate Rope
  • Activheal Aquafiber Rope
  • Algisite M Rope
  • Algosteril Rope
  • Aquacel Ribbon
  • Curasorb Rope
  • Melgisorb Cavity
  • Sorbalgon T
  • Suprasorb A
  • Tegaderm Alginate
  • Urgosorb

Please make sure that your choice is listed in your country’s drug Tariff before you get the prescription altered.

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