NuCare is a registered Dispensing Appliance Contractor, working in partnership with pharmacists, dispensing doctors and nurses to support them in the supply of incontinence, ostomy, wound care, compression therapy and medical device services and products.
As an independent contractor, NuCare are able to offer advanced services in line with the Community Pharmacy Contract framework. They are confident that the advice offered in these advanced services of Appliance Service Reviews and Stoma Appliance Customisation is unbiased, offers expertise and will help achieve and maintain patient safety and compliance.
Some of the reasons why you'll love our NuCare offering
- Prompt reimbursements - 30 day payment terms
- Specialist team can process all your ‘Made to Measure’ and complex hosiery orders
- Open your account and place an order on the same day
- Individually completed, patient ready orders – to save you time
- Next day* PHOENIX delivery with 6pm cut off**
- FREE bags and wipes as required
- FREE Stoma Customisation Service
How does it work
Clean prescriptions containing no drug items are ordered from NuCare. Products will be dispensed by NuCare and sent back
to you for distribution to the patient. Simply send the prescriptions to NuCare free of charge1 to qualify for your additional £2.40 payment2 plus professional dispensing fees.
Mixed prescriptions containing both drugs and appliances can be ordered via your normal PHOENIX wholesaler account.
To open an account and order via NuCare
Tel: 0800 169 1928
Fax: 0800 028 3631
Email: customerservices@nucare.co.uk
1 NuCare will provide you with freepost envelopes so you do not incur any additional mailing costs. Qualifying terms only ordered on your Healthcare Partners account on receipt of a valid prescription.
2 Qualifying items only ordered on your Partnership Account on receipt of a valid prescription.
* for most postcode routes.
** on 97% of all lines - excludes made to measure and specialist orders.
Please note - NuCare Script scheme is available for England and Wales at the moment, surgical lines can however be purchased in all four countries via your traditional Phoenix order route.