Information Governance English Guidance

The deadline for submission of the toolkit for 2023/24 is June 30th 2024

Community pharmacy contractors are required to give information governance assurances to the NHS each year via an online self-assessment. 

The Information Governance Toolkit was updated in 2019 to include the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the National Data Guardian’s ten data security standards and is now called the Data Security and Protection (DSP) toolkit.

Pharmacies are contractually required to complete the DSP toolkit each year. Non-compliance is considered a breach of the NHS contract and could result in loss or request for return of funding for NHS Advanced Services. It is also a pre-requisite for provision of an NHSmail account so non-completion could impact on eligibility to be involved in the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service  and fulfilment of the Pharmacy Quality Scheme criteria.

The DSP Toolkit for 2023/24 has be updated and consists of 42 mandatory and 35 optional DSP questions. 

Completing the Toolkit

  • Log-in to the NHS Digital DSP toolkit using your NHSmail email address
  • Revisit the completed Community Pharmacy GDPR workbook (part 3) that was used for last year's submission and update any information as necessary. A total of around 21 of the 42 mandatory DSP questions can be completed using this as evidence.
  • Confirm that NHSmail is the only email system used by the pharmacy to transfer patient information, where applicable, this will result in two toolkit questions being automatically completed.
  • PMR providers can help complete 17 PMR mandatory technical questions with standard responses that have been developed. 
  • Complete the remaining 21 mandatory questions 

IG helpdesk

If you need technical support on using the Toolkit including obtaining access rights and password resets contact the Exeter Helpdesk:


Telephone: 0300 3034 034

Numark Support

The Information Services team is on hand to help with completion of the toolkit:

Telephone: 0800 7835 709 option 2

What resources are available?

A range of resource documents and templates that can be used by Numark members to evidence compliance with the ten data security standards are available to download:

Numark ResourceDescriptionRelevance in DSP Toolkit
Business Continuity PlanA plan designed to assist in dealing with issues experienced in the pharmacy to maintain the continuity of service provisionRequired for standards within 7.1 and 7.2
Data Security and Protection PolicyA policy to safeguard the movement of personal data within the pharmacyRequired for standards within 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
Template for Information Assets RegisterA recording template for detailing use and sharing of personal informationRequired for standards within 1.4,4.1 and 8.2
Information Assets Register GuidanceGuidance for completing the Information Assets registerCan be used when completing an Information Assets Register
Data Protection Impact AssessmentA template to assess the impact of the use of any personal data when considering any major projectsRequired for standards within 7.1
Pharmacy Information Flow MapA map of personal information sent to or received by the pharmacyCan be used as part of a Data Protection Impact Assessment and within 1.4
New Starter Induction WorkbookAn induction workbook incorporating data security and protectionRequired for standard 2.2.1
Responsibilities and Roles of Pharmacy Staff SOPA SOP detailing roles and responsibilities of pharmacy staff including a table of current staff rolesRequired for standards within 4.1
Subject Access and Erasure Rectification SOPA SOP to ensure compliance with data protection legislation and procedures to follow to ensure complianceRequired for standards within 1.1 and 1.4
Record of Subject Access RequestsA table for recording any Subject Access RequestsTo be used in conjunction with SOP
Information Security Incident Management ProcedureA procedure for dealing with personal data breachesRequired for standards within 4.2 and 6.1
Information Security Incident Report FormA reporting form to use alongside the management procedureTo be used in conjunction with the management procedure
Privacy NoticeA notice detailing how personal data is processedRequired for standards within 1.1

 Other resources:

Community Pharmacy GDPR Workbook (part 3)

CPE Briefing - Completing the DSP Toolkit

CPE DSP Toolkit