Using the Core Range takes time. Think about these ideas before starting and use the suggested process.

Core Range Good Shelf Layout
1. Start small

Start with a single category that only has a couple of shelves of product. This makes it easy to pull apart, without too much impact on the rest of your pharmacy.

Choose a category where there’s not much movement in sales or customers pass it by.

Consider this initial category your test subject.

2. Read and digest our Core Range data

It’s good to get a feel for the product listings and top sellers within each category.

It’s likely that you will recognise most, if not all the brands.

3. Review what you already have

Before you look at the Core Range take an objective view of the existing display.

Is there anything you would change immediately?

4. Use professional point of sale

Remove any handwritten, shabby or Day-Glo pricing/point of sale material.

You can design your own, professional point of sale to match your offers and pricing.

Use our editable shelf talkers.

5. Stock best sellers

Use the Core Range to find the best sellers in the category.

Use these to replace slow sellers you identify.

6. Consider shelf layout

When updating your fixture, consider the layout of your fixture.

Display brand leaders at eye level towards the left of your fixture within their subcategory, with own label alternatives to the right.

This way, even if customers aren't looking to buy the branded version, they will spot the type of product they are looking for and scan the shelf until they find the own label alternative.

7. Offer different formulations

Make sure you offer your customers a variety of formulations.

For example, in oral analgesics have paracetamol and ibuprofen in:

  • tablet form,
  • caplets,
  • liquid suspension,
  • soluble tablets.

Cater for a wider market so you have a formulation available for all requirements.

Also stock products which focus on specific areas, like period pain and headache relievers.

8. Clean your shelves

Remember to dust your products and shelves to keep the retail environment clean.

9. Monitor your progress

Monitoring your progress is key to the Core Range process.

Check sales data from the previous three months before making any changes to your shelves.

Monitor your data after any changes to see the difference Core Range makes to your retail environment.

10. Keep products up to date

We update our Core Range every 6 months. Check back to see what’s changed so you always have the top selling products on your shelves.