NHS Pharmacy First Scotland

The Pharmacy First Scotland service was launched to provide accessible care to patients through the management and treatment under the PGD for a number of conditions:
Acne | Allergies | Athlete's Foot |
Backache | Blocked or Runny Nose | Cold Sores |
Constipation | Cough | Cystitis (In Women) |
Diarrhoea | Earache | Eczema |
Haemorrhoids (Piles) | Hayfever | Impetigo |
Indigestion | Mouth Ulcers | Pain |
Period Pain | Shingles | Skin Conditions (Cellulitis, Insect Bites) |
Sore Throat | Threadworm | Thrush |
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) | Verrucas | Warts |
With increased pressure on General Practitioners and patients unable to access same-day appointments, pharmacies now have a service to support the rise in demand. This helps to ease pressure on the NHS as well as the pressures on GPs.
All contractors will receive a base payment of £1,000 alongside an activity payment where the activity level is above 100 interventions per month. This must be recorded on the PMR system as either: advice, treatment or referral. For more information, please visit https://www.cps.scot/nhs-pharmacy-first-averages
This service is available for all patients registered to a GP in Scotland and patients that reside in Scotland.