NHS Wales Clinical Community Pharmacy Service (CCPS)
This nationally commissioned service comprises of three components aimed to provide easily accessible care for patients, enabling management and treatment:
- Contraception service – bridging and quick start, and emergency contraception
- Common ailments service
- Emergency medication supply
Note : The Seasonal flu vaccination services was removed from CCPS September 2024
Important Future Update To Contraception Service
An amendment has been made to Directions to enable Pharmacy Technicians to provide the Contraception Service, however further amendments are required to the CCPS specifications and patient group direction before pharmacy technicians can commence service provision. These changes are expectived to come into effect on 1 February 2025. Further information will be published when available |
Service Benefits
This allows patients to have quick access to services where they would ordinarily have to wait for a GP appointment. This improves access to healthcare for patients where it is limited in other primary care settings.
Service Funding
Payments are split into two:
- An annual payment is payable to contractors providing all elements of the CCPS. The value of which is as stated in the Drug Tariff, Part VID - National Community Pharmacy and Appliance Contractor Services (Wales) – Being paid monthly as 1/12th of annualised payments.
- Fees payable for individual components of the CCPS. The value of which is as stated in the Drug Tariff Part VIE Additional Clinical Services (Wales).