Q: How should EPS and paper prescriptions for a special-order item be written? You could be losing money if they are incorrectly written.
EPS Tokens
The prescriber should choose the item from the dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) at the actual appropriate medicinal product level, the (AMP).
The product should then come through on the EPS as shown in the examples below:
- Drug Name (Drug Tariff Special Order)- for a Part VIIIB listed special.
- Sucralfate 1g tablets (Part VIIID Drug Tariff Special Order)- for a Part VIIID listed special
- Paracetamol 1g/5ml oral suspension (Special Order) for a non-part VIII special
- Icenia Melatonin 3mg capsules (Imported (Bulgaria)) for a non-part VIII unlicensed import
If the product is not listed on the dm+d then the item will have to be written on a paper prescription e.g., Drug name (Special Order) this is to ensure that the NHSBSA can reimburse correctly.
Paper FP10 Prescriptions
100/100 £3.33 Manufacturer Happy1234 Batch NO. sp | Melatonin 5mg Fast Dissolve Tablets (Special Order) Take 2 tablets daily. 100 Tablets
It is not advisable to put 'special order' in the directions of the prescription as this may be missed by the manual handler processing the prescriptions for payment
FP10 paper prescriptions must be endorsed as above and then placed in the red separator for the end of month submission.
Please see our unlicensed specials and imports pages on Numarknet for further information