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Scotland NHS Services

We have set up a support page for some of the core Scotland NHS services to provide guidance and updates to help you with setting up and providing a successful service to your patients.

NHS Scotland Services

Emergency Naloxone Holding Service

The Scottish Government and Community Pharmacy Scotland have agreed on this service, which will allow for community pharmacies to hold a supply of naloxone for administration in an emergency.

Take home Naloxone is expected to be a future addition to this service to support people who use drugs and anyone likely to witness an opioid overdose.

View Emergency Naloxone Holding Service Support

Flu Vaccination Service

We have information and resources to enable you to set up and deliver a successful Flu Vaccination Service.

View Flu Vaccination Service Support

Pharmacy First Service

The NHS Pharmacy First Scotland (PFS) service launched on the July 2020 to replaced the Minor Ailments Scheme.

View Pharmacy First Service Support