

We’re offering members a wide range of training materials and learning resources for you to ensure that your pharmacy has the support to run as smoothly and safely as possible.

We’re always adding additional training resources to our collection, so be sure to keep checking back for new training solutions, such as updated webinars, programmes, and events.

Meet Lucy, Patient Services Manager

Numark Training Library

Our CPD e-Learning Library has hundreds of resources, tools and articles to help your personal development.

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Regulatory Training


We have partnered with Buttercups who provide a flexible approach to training and are committed to giving learners the highest quality of education.

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Revalidation is about keeping your professionals skills and knowledge up to date and Numark has a number of resources to help ensure you maintain safe and effective care to your patients.

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Health Promotions

Health promotions provide awareness and support to patients for a variety of health concerns throughout the year. 

Access Health Promotion Support

New Starter Induction Workbook

This workbook has been designed to give new members of the pharmacy team a structured and informative induction into their new role.

New Starter Induction Workbook


If you have any questions about training opportunities or the training platform, drop us a message on the chat icon in the bottom right corner, or email us at