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Support your cancer patients with the COVID-19 and flu winter vaccination season

Learn how Oncodemia® can help you support your cancer patients this COVID-19 and flu Winter vaccination season

The JCVI and NHS have now issued guidance around the COVID-19 and flu winter vaccination season[1]. For flu vaccinations due to start in October 2024, one of the groups highlighted are those that are immunosuppressed[2], including cancer patients. This is a valuable opportunity to check that your cancer patients are up to date with their other routine vaccinations.

During overwhelming periods, like the Winter COVID-19 and flu vaccination season, there are many challenges in providing vaccination advice to cancer patients. The new “Routine Vaccinations in Cancer” module in Oncodemia® has been created in collaboration with The Royal Marsden Trust – a world-leading cancer centre - to provide you bite-size information to support you in having effective conversations with your cancer patients regarding routine vaccinations and much more.

Find out more about routine vaccinations and how you can support your cancer patients, with Oncodemia®

How can Oncodemia® support your Pharmacy?

Oncodemia is an online training programme developed to empower Community Pharmacists to improve cancer care. Its aim is to support you to achieve better outcomes for cancer patients in the community, by delivering advice to support them on their cancer journey. It offers course content based on 4 key areas – Basics of Cancer, Managing Symptoms, Supporting Patients and Pharmacist’s Role. 

Completing the training programme not only enhances your knowledge, but also provides you a prominent position on the patient facing Unify Health® app

Oncodemai Unify Health App


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Need support?

We are on hand to offer all the support you need to get your team started. If you are having any issues, please contact support@oncodemia.com.

Date of prep: September 2024   UK-Gen-NP-01485


https://www.england.nhs.uk/long-read/flu-and-covid-19-seasonal-vaccination-programme-autumn-winter-2024-25/ Accessed September 2024

https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-autumn-2024-vaccination-programme-jcvi-advice-8-april-2024/jcvi-statement-on-the-covid-19-vaccination-programme-for-autumn-2024-8-april-2024 Accessed September 2024