What is Hey Pharmacist?
Hey Pharmacist is a repeat prescription ordering service exclusively developed for Numark members and their patients. Hey Pharmacist gives the patient the convenience of online ordering whilst also allowing you to keep the nomination and provide a better customer experience.
How does Hey Pharmacist work?
Hey Pharmacist works by connecting your pharmacy with your patient and their local surgery through a connection called IM1. Combined with NHS login, IM1 enables your patients to see their repeat medication order in real time. When you patients order their repeat medication, the request drops straight into the GPs workflow. Upon approval, your patents will be informed via automated messaging and the prescription will come to you to dispense.
Is Hey Pharmacist chargeable?
Hey Pharmacist is £75 per month when members opt in to Hey Pharmacist and services and £60 without the service bookings feature (England only), or £40 per month when opting into services only (England, Scotland and Wales). There is no fixed contract and you can choose to opt out of this service anytime.
Where can I find out more about Hey Pharmacist?
You can find out more information on Hey Pharmacist at www.numarknet.com/heypharmacist or speak to your account manager for more information. You can also visit the Hey Pharmacist website at www.heypharmacist.co.uk
Who can use Hey Pharmacist?
Hey Pharmacist can be accessed by anyone who is registered with a GP in England, has an NHS login, and is registered for an NHS repeat prescription.
How do I sign up to the service?
Speak to your Numark account manager about getting started with Hey Pharmacist
How does it benefit my pharmacy?
Hey Pharmacist provides members with a digital solution that connects you and your patients. The in-store activation features locks patients into your store, helping you compete against the online competition. Throughout 2022, we will be working on a roadmap of features to support our members protect and grow their business.
Hey Pharmacist will be supported by a multi-million pound marketing campaign which will kick off in earnest from May.
How does it benefit my customers?
- Securely connected to 99.5% of GPs in England allowing 24/7 ordering 365 days a year
- Once registered your patients can order their repeat prescription in just two clicks
- Automated notifications providing your patients with up to date information on their prescription status from ordering to it arriving in your pharmacy
- Your patient can add up to five other people to manage their medication
- Secure connected to the NHS
- We’re rated excellent on Trustpilot
I want more information – who do I speak to?
Your Numark Account Manager can help and advise with all things Hey Pharmacist or visit www.numarknet.com/heypharmacist for more information